Saturday, April 14, 2007

Word Lists from Couple Exercise Outdoors

List A-- Leann and I together:

scritchy, scratchy, tag-along, wind-chill, camera-fail, sounds, whoosh, conversations, recorder-fail, impotence, technopoop, brail, follow, wait, listen, sleuth-like, eaves-drop, rhythms, resign, tech-failure, companionably.

Leann makes textures with scritchy-scratchy sounds. We tag-along companionably together. We follow, wait. Leann scritches her scratchy rhythms. I photograph and record. Oops. Camera quits low battery. Photo failure. Resume recording whoosh of wind, truck motor. Walking into windchill, recording eaves-drop conversaton bits of cell phone users. Sleuth-like. Oops. Recorder stops. Technopoop! Techno-impotence. I resort to braille, feeling with my fingers all the things Leann is scraping. Heading back to Haskett Hall, along a trail of string. Resigned to tech-failure, I go back to my own five senses.

List B--Leann:

paper, pencil, drawings, rubbings, textures, rough, smooth, asphalt, plants, grates, grass, tree, brick-wall, composites, busily, capturing, landmarks, fervently, non-stop, scritch-scratch, kneeling

Kneeling with paper and pencil she makes relief rubbings of asphalt and grates. Rough scritch-scratch sounds. Plants--grass and leaves--sound smoother, resemble fossil drawings. Texture rules: tree bark and brick wall. She busily captures composites of textures. Scritch-scratch, scritch-scratch, non-stop.

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